Monday, March 21, 2005

whatever happened to me :-(

My mind is too much preoccupied with some things that I'm not able to concentrate on anything for past week or 2..Not able to work continously and concentratively..thinking of lots of things to blog, but not doing anything when i sit infront of comp, wasn't feeling great over the weekend even though i was on a whirlwind tour of blore with a visiting friend..

I think this month is also a loser like feb..had been down for most part of it..hopefully new (financial) year lifts my spirits high :-)

sigh..whatever happened to me!


At 3:56 am, Blogger Vc said...

Comeon Veera.. pull up your socks , kick that guy next to you.. It sure works for me :)

At 7:40 am, Blogger Alok said...

VC dude, fortunately I don't sit next to him in the office, but I do find myself next to him during lunch and tea breaks!

Please don't give him ideas, he's bad enough to begin with.


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