Thursday, March 03, 2005

The beauty and the crowd around her

Saw the quarter-final match of Sania and Jankovic (have i got the name correct?heck, i dont care) y'day. There was nothing to enjoy about the match given the crowd behaviour. Indians sure know how to make their presence felt. By incessantly shouting before,during and after the game, calling out names loudly, they made a mess of the game. I think sania should go and play in counties like Elbonia to avoid such crowd.

anyway, i liked her (game). Come on sania, cheer up. I'll be there to shout support for you in the next games (sitting in front a TV, that is) :-)


At 9:01 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tennis lovers r getting more vociferous these days. I noticed this most recently in the Australian Open.

At 10:09 pm, Blogger Kirthi said...

I think apart from Wimbeldon you really don't get to see disciplined (maybe elite would have sounded a bit snobbish)crowds. The audience takes it a bit too far coz Indian fans think they are watching cricket, Aussie fans think they are watching Rugby and American fans think they are watching NBA playoffs on the tennis courts.

At 12:13 am, Blogger Veerapathiran said...

u just wait for sania to play in the wimbeldon, and then you'll take back your words (that it has disciplined crowd) :-)

At 7:07 am, Blogger Rama said...

Not trying to rain any parade, but, as much as i like sania, it's not exactly earth-shattering tennis that she plays, and all these hoopla over what? That an INDIAN played?.

I wonder, if our obession over the lack of world class achievements and eagerness to parade and flaunt anything (read Saurabh Singh) reveals our unhealthy need to compensate for our self-inflicted inferiority, that we so eager to rectify.

You gotta see how many brown nosed desis, i see around these days.

At 5:04 am, Blogger Kirthi said...

Excuse me for my language here mr. Ram but what exactly are u... a hybrid desi trying to pass off as some "white" Jersey cow? I am extremely sorry that I, as a denizen of a third world country (again an Americanised classification) have to conform to the "world" standards that have been set by US of A!!
Sorry about this veera...this happened on ur blog!! And I ,sure, am waiting for Sania to play in Wimbeldon against the biggies.

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Rama said...

Way to read my post, Champ. Reading comprehension must be one of your strong suits, i imagine.

At 8:12 pm, Blogger Veerapathiran said...

Sabash..Sarianna Potti!!
(xlation:- Great..excellent competition going on here!!)

I definitely like sania (and her game). I'm just worried that crowd and the media would play spoilsport here..
She playes better tennis. atleast she's best among the one billion-odd indians:-)

sorry for taking side against u ram, but you know its for obvious reasons :-)


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